Selected published work
- Enough Food For Everyone IF: Campaign Evaluation, Commissioned by the Enough Food for Everyone IF Campaign, 2014 (with Chris Stalker)
- We Won’t Accept Hunger: Ambassadors’ Toolkit, ActionAid, Peuples Solidaires, NiZA and Ekvilib Institute
- CAADP: A Toolkit for Civil Society Organisation Engagement and Advocacy, ActionAid International, 2011
- Food for Thought: Save the Children’s influencing of the UK Department for International Development on nutrition – evidence and lessons, Save the Children UK, 2010
- Occasional comment pieces for, 2011-
- Towards a Peoples’ Multilateralism: The United Nations, Development Networks and Civil Society, United Nations Development Programme, 2009
- Golden Opportunity: Recasting the Debate about the Economic and Developmental Benefits of Small-Scale and Artisanal Mining, The Association for Responsible Mining, 2009
- Hole in The Pocket: Why Unpaid Taxes are the Missing Link in Development Finance, ActionAid International, 2008
- Campaign Toolkit, (with Jim Coe and Tactical Tech), We Wont Accept Hunger Campaign (forthcoming)
- The Manifesto and The Verdict, Make Poverty History campaign 2004-5
- The Robin Hood Tax, New Economics, 2000; and Asian Exchange, 2000 (with Andrew Simms)
- Militarization and Maldevelopment: The India-Pakistan Arms Race, Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies, 1997 (With A Haroon Akram-Lodhi)
- The Development Impact of the India-Pakistan Arms Race, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Working Paper Series, 1996 (with A Haroon Akram-Lodhi)
- Multiple press articles/features/comment pieces including for the Observer, Guardian, Independent, Tribune (regular column) and Independent on Sunday
- If the CAP doesn't fit, change it: How EU taxpayers undermine Bangladeshi dairy farmers, 2011, ActionAid
- Costing the Casino, 2002, War on Want
- The Global Gamblers, 2001, War on Want
- Upfront Magazine, 2000-2003, War on Want
- Waging the War on Want (Book), 2001, War on Want